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Writer's pictureKari Uhlman, Owner/Artist

30 Minutes a Day - Day 10

I'm hoping to try out some unlabeled keys on my mom's house. I will contact my big brother to try and find a time when we can both be at her house to clean out her pantry if I find one that fits. I am not allowed to enter her house without my older brother.

Our MendingtheSoul.orgThe Support Group meets tonight. We are almost done with this group. Intimacy with God will be the topic of our discussion. Some of us need to reimagine "Dad".

Tomorrow is the birthday of a family member. There is nothing he asks for and he is humble. I bought him a gluten-free treat and a gift certificate. He will enjoy getting something just for him. He is a man of service and is always pouring out his heart and time for others.

I haven't checked on m compost bin lately. I won't have time to finish putting my garden in until next month.

I might be out at sunrise drawing this weekend. We will see if I get up early enough or my body might want some rest and sleep in.

But Mother's Day is so stressful for me. It's a long day. I am up early on Mother's Day. I may have some family of origin time. I haven't seen our eldest daughter on a Mother's Day since 1995. That was her first day and when we met our first grandchild, Quyana. I haven't seen the first five grandchildren in nearly ten years. None of them talk to us. It's so disappointing.

Every May, I detox. Going to be on a plant-based diet for a few weeks. How can you enjoy this life that God gave you more? I can continue to take time for my friends, exercise, and replace the living room and dining room carpet so we can have our friends over more often.

Once a month, I get together with other Christian women business owners for a cup of coffee and coloring. It's really wonderful! Chat and color and drink Newman's organic. I can't drink regular coffee. It has mold or too much acid and leaves me with a sore throat.

We have irises that sprung out from our back neighbor's yard into our yard this spring. They are happy-looking flowers. I texted our neighbor to thank her for our wonderful surprise!

Am hoping to attend the GOLDEN STATE PINBALL FESTIVAL in Lodi this month. My cousin, Brad has had a governing hand in this event for years. He has collected pinball machines. I would love for my big brother to join me. He doesn't drive. He depends on his wife to drive. I invited Glenda, but I haven't heard whether she is interested in driving him to the event yet.

I also have a wedding to attend this month. It's "semi-formal wear please" yet a garden party. We were also asked to wear pastel-colored clothing and I didn't have anything pastel. I had to get a new dress. I got a cowboy hat to wear with it also. Is that semi-formal garden?

I enjoy walking with a group of ladies from Bayside Church - Granite Bay. They are always nice and welcoming. And I pray Bayside Church - Adventure would have free activities too.

And I am donating a painting to Stand Up Placer for their annual Top Golf Fundraiser event.

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